Saturday, March 7, 2009

United Nations University Centre
Attention: Prof. Dr. Konrad Osterwalder
5–53–70 Jingumae,Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo 150-8925

Every time the International Community try to put on a show - to show - the world - that, humanity and care do exist for the African’s Nations, they put on a show and sponsor a few aid’s programs, commit a few million dollars toward Aids and a few of the local diseases that still exist among African’s Nations. Two or three months latter the Aids epidemic gets even worse and the few little millions dollars in foreign aids are gone and never gotten to the people it suppose to have help. IT DEFINATE DIND NOT HELP BUILD THE INFRUSTRUCTURE OF AFRICA.
Now, all those so called champions of human rights and others can really do something that will actual benefit the development and progress of the African’s Nations by encouraging and supporting the establishing of an United States of Africa.
Impact of International Financial Crisis on Infrastructure Development in Africa (ICA) to be Analyzed at Landmark Meeting in Rome

In reference to the (*CAQ) Annual Meeting that was held in Rome March 10-11, 2009; and their special workshop to consider the global economic crisis and its impact on infrastructure in Africa, I suggested the following:

The two most crucial changes I am suggesting are:
Number One:
More than ever, it is necessary that Africa unite. I would like to see Organizations such as the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA), the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Africa Union Commission, the International Community and other groups and organization change their Economic Policies toward Africa,
1. From inducing Foreign aid
2. to a more constructive and effective political and economic policy - demanding that the Africa Nation UNITE.

The World Bank, the IMF, African Organizations and Leaders know that Foreign aid in the past as well as - in the present, have not solved Africa’s problems. So, why keep doing the same old thing year in and year out - that DO NOT WORK? WHY?

Number Two:
I will go as far as to suggest that the demand for the African Nation to UNITE be added as one of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals .

It is my opinion that supporting individual Countries of Africa are doing nothing but enslaving the Africa people. Everyone knows; the Africans Leaders, the International Community and event he World Bank and the IMF know that African can not survive in a respectable manner by trying to go-it-alone as individual Countries. They must unite as one Nation. Anything less that this will only be enslaving the Africans people.

One of the biggest arguments, the Heads of States of Africa, argued against the formation of a united government was; they prefer a slowly and gradual integration policy as well as a regional development plan. It is my opinion that Africa has suffered too long and there is no time for such non-sense. As far as a regional development plan - there is no reason to abandon such an idea. A Regional Development Plan will work even better as an instrument of a United Africa.
The current economic crisis should encourage the Africa Union, the Heads of States of Africa, the Africa Leaders, African Political Parties and its people, more than ever to UNITE.

Africans should realize that Foreign Nations are just not going to have efficient funds to continue supporting African’s Countries. As rich as the Africa Nation - it does not make sense for Africa to keep begging for Foreign aid like a dog. But - what else can they do, but beg like a dog when they are trying to go their own separate ways..

There should be an United Nations Millennium Development Goals number nine that reads - The Africa Nation consisting of 53 African Countries must UNITE no later than 2012.

I am an American and I love my Country and its economic and political system.
With all do respect, I can not grasp the idea that man will start wars and kill million and million of people over the difference in political and economic ideology. With that said; Africa should be allowed to formulate a United Government that best serve Africa purpose without the World DEMANDING that it MUST have a Democracy and a Capitalistic economy. If a United Social States of Africa best serves Africa purpose then so be-it.

I realize that your institution has today’s young minds as well as tomorrow’s young minds to nourish, but I fell that they should accept their responsibilities as stewardships of humanity and not as leashes sucking the blood out of mankind.

I can live without having crime and bad news to put on the six o’clock news, or a different race of people to shit on - to make me feel worthwhile and useful. I can live without having to read about the Aid epidemic and drought in Africa. I can live with out having to read about the fighting in Gaza.

Thank you
Ernest Herron

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